quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2010

Colóquio Internacional Narrativa e Medicina: Doença e Diálogo Colóquio Internacional Narrativa e Medicina: Doença e Diálogo

Centro de Estudos Anglísticos e Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa
Centro de História da Cultura da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Este Colóquio é uma iniciativa que pretende possibilitar um novo campo de investigação em Portugal, conjugando as disciplinas da Medicina, da Literatura e da Filosofia. Um dos objectivos do evento é demonstrar que a análise narrativa e a crítica ética podem contribuir para melhorar as relações terapêuticas entre doentes, médicos e outros profissionais de saúde. O programa inclui a participação de conceituados especialistas como João Lobo Antunes, Richard Zaner e Rita Charon.

Entrada livre

PROGRAMME International Conference “Narrative and Medicine: Illness and Dialogue”
PROGRAMA Colóquio Internacional “Narrativa e Medicina: Doença e Diálogo”

13 / 09

09h00-09h30: Sessão de Abertura / Opening Session

09h30-10h45: Conferência de Abertura / Opening Keynote Lecture:
“Two Cultures in Medicine. Do we Need a Third? ”
João Lobo Antunes (Director of Neurosurgery at Santa Maria Hospital, Lisbon)
Comentada por / Commented by Rita Charon

10h45-11h00: Café / Coffee Break

11h00-13h: Apresentação de Comunicações / Paper Presentation: “Ways of Caring”
Moderador / Chair: Pedro Silvério Marques (Economist / Comissão de Ética da
Investigação Clínica)
1. “Semiotics, Nursing and Meaning-making – the One-to-one Relationship in
Professional Care”
Ângela Nobre (Assistant Teacher and Researcher at ESCE-IPS - Escola Superior de
Ciências Empresariais do Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal)
2. “‘Bring the patient in!’”
Maria Albino (Nurse – Kings College Hospital, London)
3. “Can you die from not being listened to?”
Teresa Casal (ULICES - University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies)
4. “Is there a place for narrative in modern high-tech medical practice?”
Jorge Melo (Hematologist / Centro de Estudos de Filosofia da Medicina of IPO –
Instituto Português de Oncologia - Lisboa)

13h-14h30: Almoço / Lunch

14h30-15h45: Painel / Panel: “Illness, Suffering and Fictional Worlds” (Researchers
from ULICES – University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies; Project Narrative and
Moderadora / Chair: Fernanda Gil Costa (CEC - Centre for Comparative Studies –
University of Lisbon)
1. “Representations of Illness in Contemporary Short-fiction: Some Portuguese and
British Examples”
Ana Raquel Fernandes
2. “William Shakespeare and the Representation of Female Madness”
Mª Isabel Barbudo
3. “Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: Writing a Way out of Trauma”
Cecilia Beecher Martins
4. “Screams, Shouts and Silences. The noise of the wor(l)d and the impossibility of
Marijke Boucherie

15h45-17h: Apresentação de Comunicações / Paper Presentation: “Aesthetics and
Criticism” (apresentação em francês / papers presented in French)
Moderador / Chair: Paulo Tunhas
1. “L’Imaginaire du malade imaginaire” / “The Imagination of the Imaginary Patient”
Luísa Couto Soares (Philosopher / Univ. Nova de Lisboa)
2.“La présence des oeuvres d'art à l’hopital : une consolation ?” /
“The Presence of Works of Art at the Hospital: their Consoling Function?”
Danièle Cohn Gil
(Philosopher / École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales - Paris)
3. “Dire l’indicible” / “Telling the Unutterable”
Rolf Kühn (Philosopher and teacher at Universität Freiburg-im-Breisgau - Germany)

17h-17h45: Café / Coffee Break
Book Launching – Rolf Kühn, Ipseidade e praxis subjectiva

17h45-18h45: Apresentação de Comunicações / Paper Presentation: “Words and
Moderador / Chair: Paulo de Jesus
1. “Regressing: From Interpretation to the Desire for Meaning”
José Justo (Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon)
2. “The Obstacles of Narrating Suffering”
Smadar Bustan (Philosopher, IPSE, University of Luxembourg /
Founder of the Interdisciplinary Working Group on Suffering and Pain)

19h30: Jantar / Dinner at Cinemateca Portuguesa (convidados / guests)

21h30: Exibição dos Filmes / Screening of Films: “Espelho Lento” (2010) (“Slow
Mirror”) by Solveig Nordlund
“Perdida Mente” (“Absent Mind”) (2010) by Margarida Gil

14 / 09

09h00-10h30: Painel / Panel: “Narrative and Rationality” (Project Philosophy,
Medicine and Society)
Moderador / Chair: Adelino Cardoso (Researcher at Centro de História da Cultura –
Univ. Nova)
1. “Patient narrative, witness and clinical interpretation: lessons from a brain disease”
A. Martins da Silva (Professor at Instituto Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar – Univ. of
Oporto and Neurologist/Neurophysiologist at Hospital Santo António – Oporto)
2. “Herba non Verba: Probing the Foundations of Medicine”
Manuel Silvério Marques (Hematologist, Researcher at Centro de Filosofia da
Universidade de Lisboa)
3. “Cepticism and Medicine”
Rui Romão (Philosopher / University of Beira Interior)
4. “Terms of contingency”
Paulo Tunhas (Philosopher / University of Oporto)

10h30-11h00: Café / Coffee Break

11h00-12h00: Painel / Panel: “On Trauma” (Researchers from CEC – Centre for
Comparative Studies, University of Lisbon)
Moderadora / Chair: Sílvia Ouakinin (Psychiatrist / Faculdade de Medicina da
Universidade de Lisboa)
1. “Fiction as Healing: Memory, Trauma, and Forgetting in Imre Kertész’s work”
Luísa Afonso Soares
2. “Poetics of trauma: modes of narration in contemporary fiction”
Fernanda Mota Alves
3. “Don't look back - aesthetics of survival”
Gerd Hammer

12h00-13h00: Conferência / Keynote Lecture: “The Self-Telling Body, or How
Narrative Practices Illuminate the Care of the Sick”
Rita Charon (College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University)
Comentada por / Commented by Isabel Fernandes (Scientific Co-ordinator of ULICES
– University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies)

13h00-14h30: Almoço / Lunch

14h30-16h00: Apresentação de Comunicações / Paper Presentation: “Therapy and
Moderador / Chair: João Flor (ULICES - University of Lisbon Centre for English
1. “Viver para Contar – Contar para Viver” (“Living to Tell – Telling to Live”)
João Seabra Dinis (Psychoanalyst / President of SPS - Sociedade Portuguesa de
Psicanálise - Portuguese Society for Psychoanalysis)
2. “Being-in-stories: On reasons and causes in self-narratives”
Paulo de Jesus (Philosopher / Researcher at Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de
3. “Searching for trust: Towards a full recognition of alterity in psychotherapy”
João Salgado (Professor at ISMAI - Instituto Superior da Maia)

Moderador / Chair: Margarida Vale de Gato (ULICES - University of Lisbon Centre
for English Studies)
Hélia Correia, Adoecer (2010) - Leitura de excertos com comentários da autora /
Selected readings commented by the author

16h30-17h15: Café / Coffee Break
Visit to the Exhibition “Ex-votos” – Guided by João Patrício (Univ. Coimbra)

17h15-18h15: Conferência de Encerramento / Closing Keynote Lecture:
“Dissonance and Decision”
Richard Zaner (Philosopher - Vanderbilt University)
Comentada por / Commented by Jorge Melo (Hematologist / Centro de Estudos de
Filosofia da Medicina of IPO – Instituto Português de Oncologia- Lisboa)

18h30: Palavras de Encerramento e Projectos Futuros / Closing Remarks and
Plans for Follow-up Activities

19h00: Porto de Honra/ Port Wine Toast (convidados / guests)

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